Sunday, July 25, 2010

Growing Baby...

This is me at Week 16. Even though now I am at Week 18, I still look about the same. The nausea that I had through my 1st trimester is mostly gone. I am feeling pretty good now just a little extra tired on some days. Bryon and I have started working on the baby's room. Actually we have only started cleaning out all our junk that has accumulated since the wedding. Thanks to Kim (my cousin) we know where we will be getting our baby furniture and some other much needed items.

We will find out August 5th what the sex of the baby is. We honestly have no preference. I first started feeling like it was a boy, then I leaned more to a girl, now I have no idea. At my Week 16 appointment the heart rate was 147 which says it is a girl according to old wives tales. We'll see...

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Beginning

So this is hopefully the beginning of a way to keep family and friends up-to-date on how life is going for the growing Spaeth Family (Indianapolis branch). Now that Bryon and I are expecting in December, I want to give you all a way to keep up with us. I am terrible about emailing but I hope this will prove to be easier. And now I can post pictures for everyone also.